3 Sources of Inspiration for Financial Services Executives

“We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we’re curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.”  -Walt Disney

Some days just seem to move faster then others.  Fortunately, I found myself on a few airplanes this week without wifi (yes, no wifi!).  What a treat to find a few hours of electronic-interruption free time to catch up on overdue reading.  As I flipped through our soon-to-be-released issue of Bank Director magazine, I took note of a number of issues and trends that I intend to dive deeper into this weekend.  I also pulled up PDFs of articles I’d seen — but had not had a chance to read — that relate to our fast-approaching Acquire or Be Acquired Conference.  Finally, I jotted down a few thoughts on the types of information that I find compelling — notes that inspired this morning’s post.

You see, I really love connecting people with each other… and sharing ideas and insight that I find compelling.  Oftentimes, this takes place in person; however, opportunity exists to do so in digital format.  So if you’re curious about what’s happening in the banking space, let me point you towards these three sources of inspiration:

  • Most Saturday mornings, for me, involve a healthy dose of wit + wisdom from Gregg Schoenberg vis-a-vis The Financial Revolutionist. Powered by Wescott Capital, I appreciate how this weekly newsletter provides sharp and distinctive commentary on financial innovation trends.
  • For those that favor a podcast, take a listen to The Purposeful Banker (backed by PrecisionLender).  Over the past few years, they have assembled a strong library of perspectives relevant to how banks might better perform given various technologies available.
  • Finally, many know of Chris Skinner as an author and independent commentator on the financial markets.  His blog, the Finanser.com, is one I consider a must-read.

As a bonus, Deloitte expects banks to deepen their engagement with the fintech ecosystem as the trend towards digitization accelerates — a theme you’ll recognize if you’ve been on Bank Director’s FinXTech.com*.  The full report from the consultancy can be found here.


*As the financial landscape continues to evolve, and executives grapple with a fast-changing operating environment that requires partnerships and collaboration, I am so impressed by the exceptionally astute group of men and women that are helping to shape the future of finance through their day-to-day jobs + as part of FinXTech’s Advisory Group.  FWIW, both Gregg and Chris are members.

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